
Children and Youth

Children and youth are encouraged to take active parts in Sunday Worship services: ie through music, activity, reading, drama, etc.

A particularly popular children’s program, for ages 4-12 years, is the summer VBS event, held for 1/2 days for one week, with a variety of theme based fun activities. Watch our Facebook page for details and sign-up information.

Handbell Choirs

Two multi-aged ensembles rehearse respectively on Mondays at 7 pm (Arlene Smith – leader) and Fridays at 4 pm (Mary Lynn Lanos – leader) and take part in Sunday services generally monthly.

Adult Choir

Our adult choir practices Sunday mornings at 8:45 am under the leadership of Arlene Smith and sings regularly in Sunday services. Other ministry of music includes vocal ensemble, solos, instrumentals, etc.

Book Club

Open to all, this lively group meets 5 – 6 times per year. Contact is Rebecca Taylor.

Beaverton UCW (United Church Women)

An opportunity for social/educational/spiritual engagement. Contact is Judy Prophet.

Community Groups Use of Facility

Check our Calendar for a variety of community group programs that are welcomed in our facility. Contact information also included in Calendar listing.